The Permaculture Podcast

Caring for Earth, Ourselves, and Each Other.

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Friday Nov 05, 2021

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If you’ve been listening to this podcast since near the beginning, you may remember shorter episodes that introduced an idea or topic. This episode, and others you’ll hear like it, irregularly in the future, is a call back to the days of those perma-bytes. With so many amazing people and organizations doing good work in the world, I want to be able to share more of them with you.

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Sunday Oct 24, 2021

Visit Our Sponsor: Foraged.Market
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Want to listen to more conversations about Permaculture? Browse the extensive archives of the show. 

We know that pesticides have an outsized impact on insects in the environment, particularly when broad-spectrum chemicals are used, killing nearly all the invertebrates they touch. If you’ve read a warning label on these, or many of the other garden, yard, or farm sprays available, you’ll find cautions about keeping the contents of the container out of waterways or away from amphibians.
But what about the other harms of human impacts? Like the destruction of habitat. The ever-increasing noise of industry. The lights that fill the sky with brightness throughout the night.
And once we’re aware of this mess, what can we do to start repairing the damage?

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Sunday Oct 17, 2021

Visit Our Sponsor: Foraged.Market
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Want to listen to more conversations about Permaculture? Browse the extensive archives of the show. 

We can expect change to occur continuously throughout our lives. We’re likely to call several places home. Friends will come and go. We’ll move between jobs multiple times and likely even switch career paths.
As permaculture practitioners, in the landscape, we play with change. Slowing succession in some places of our design, advancing it in others, to arrest or encourage this process on a timeline that matches what we want within any given zone.
But how do we change as people and plan the succession of an organization, and the land it inhabits, through time?

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Gigi Berardi - FoodWISE

Sunday Oct 10, 2021

Sunday Oct 10, 2021

Visit Our Sponsor: Foraged.Market
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Want to listen to more conversations about Permaculture? Browse the extensive archives of the show. 

Food. Something we think about regularly. Whether that’s what we’re having for our next meal; trying to remember the contents of our cabinets or refrigerator; or what we need to buy on our next trip to the grocery store. As permaculture practitioners, these thoughts are also likely to include what we’ll be harvesting from our garden; searching for a local source from a producer we can meet face to face; or reading labels to find the indicators of where something comes from and how it was produced.

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Sunday Sep 26, 2021

Visit Our Sponsor: Foraged.Market
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Want to listen to more conversations about Permaculture? Browse the extensive archives of the show. 

Today’s interview is a casual and relaxed conversation, as I sit down with my co-host, David Bilbrey, and turn the mic towards him to discuss what brought him to permaculture and the ideas that influence how he sees the world. We touch on the work of Ken Wilber and Integral Theory, what community can mean in an internet-connected age, how podcasts make the world smaller as we hear from people we might not encounter otherwise, and the importance of sitting down to listen to a conversation between two people.

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Monday Sep 20, 2021

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Want to listen to more conversations about Permaculture? Browse the extensive archives of the show. 
Today’s episode is a collaboration with my friend, Karryn Olson. She’s currently hosting a series of conversations exploring what work could look, feel like, and give rise to, if our efforts were dedicated to collective thriving and evolution. 
During these times with Karryn and her guests, we’ll hear them explore visions of what the world could look like if we dedicated more of the hours of our day towards work in service to life. And what it could mean—to us, our communities, and the world—if we earned our living through this work.  Join the Podcast Patreon CommunityFind the guest for this episode, Carmen Leilani DeJesus at and on Instagram @consentisapractice.   You can find our host for this episode, Karryn Olson, at and additional resources from her session with Carmen at  I'm collaborating with Karryn to share more conversations from this series with you in the future on The Permaculture Podcast. If you’d like to see what’s coming up from Karryn and her guests, including joining in on an upcoming live session via this link:   Cultivating Livelihoods In Service to Life: A Conversation SeriesKarryn's next session is on Wednesday, October 6th, at 8 pm Eastern with the folks from the Meaningful Work Project.  In hearing what Karryn was working on, I wanted to share these conversations with you on The Permaculture Podcast, because the specific interviews and themes of the overall series speak to the growing dissonance I’ve experienced myself and heard from listeners between trying to make our way through the world while staying true to your values and the ethics of permaculture, while trading one’s work energy for dollars that are earned through practices that seem extractive, meaningless, or, in the words and title of the book by the late David Graber, like a bullshit job. And as if that weren’t enough, we’re navigating all this while feeling, in our bones and in our souls, the impacts of growing climate disruption, increasing wealth inequality, continual social injustice, ongoing pandemic chaos, and the myriad of other social and environmental ills all around us.   To help us with this, Karryn is speaking with numerous guests across a variety of disciplines to explore topics that move our individual mindset and shift our cultural paradigms.  Some of those include:  Right livelihoods.Collective liberation.Regenerative entrepreneurship.Social innovation.Decolonizing our concepts of "work.”And the importance of embracing pleasure and grief.  Listened to individually or taken together, it is Karryn and I’s desire to revitalize you and your work as we, all of us, stand together and cross the thresholds of our time.   Until we meet again, spend your days ranting about your needs and wants, meditating on whether you are saying yes willingly or out of a sense of obligation, and considering what work feels like in your body, while taking care of Earth, your self, and each other.

Sunday Sep 12, 2021

Visit Our Sponsor: Foraged.Market
Donate Directly: via PayPal -or- Venmo @permaculturepodcast
Want to listen to more conversations about Permaculture? Browse the extensive archives of the show. 

Our individual permaculture practices are rooted in the teachers we learn with. In the books we read to expand our knowledge. In the videos we watch on YouTube to answer a particular question. Or the documentaries we find on Netflix that give us a sense of connection to the larger world.

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Saturday Sep 04, 2021

Visit Our Sponsor: Foraged.Market
Donate Directly: via PayPal -or- Venmo @permaculturepodcast
Want to listen to more conversations about Permaculture? Browse the extensive archives of the show. 

My longest-running hobby—one I’ve participated in since I was a child, long before discovering permaculture—is playing tabletop roleplaying games. Perhaps the most well-known of those that you’ve heard of, or played yourself, is Dungeons and Dragons.

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Saturday Aug 21, 2021

Visit Our Sponsor: Foraged.Market
Donate Directly: via PayPal -or- Venmo @permaculturepodcast
Want to listen to more conversations about Permaculture? Browse the extensive archives of the show. 

A note on the content for today’s episode. The interview which follows is a discussion of disasters and their impacts, including food insecurity, personal injury, and suicide. Listener discretion is advised.
How do we prepare ourselves for disasters, whether natural or manmade, such as a seasonal storm, global pandemic, economic collapse, or political upheaval?

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Sunday Aug 15, 2021

Visit Our Sponsor: Foraged.Market
Donate Directly: via PayPal -or- Venmo @permaculturepodcast
Want to listen to more conversations about Permaculture? Browse the extensive archives of the show. 

In this episode, I’m joined by my friend Eric Puro as we catch up on what he’s been doing since we last saw each other in 2016. Quite a bit has changed since then, as he’s now living in Finland running a biotech company that cultivates chaga fungi, manages forests holistically, and explores the nutritional qualities, health benefits, and medicinal properties of mushrooms.

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