The Permaculture Podcast

Caring for Earth, Ourselves, and Each Other.

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Sunday Aug 25, 2024

In this episode, Byron Birss speaks with Mary and Andrew as they talk about Byron’s transformation from someone with no knowledge of permaculture or gardening into a professional designer and food forest aficionado in just a few years. Growing up in the United States, Byron moved to New Zealand nearly a decade ago for a change of life that wound up being a life-changing experience.
ResourcesBackyard ParadiseByron Grows (YouTube)Byron Grows (Instagram)
Larry Santoyo - Exploring Permaculture

Monday Aug 19, 2024

Visit Our Sponsor: Foraged.Market
Donate Directly: via PayPal -or- Venmo @permaculturepodcast
Want to listen to more conversations about Permaculture? Browse the extensive archives of the show. 

Can you live an enjoyable, self-indulgent life while remaining thrifty and at the same time not overtaxing Earth's resources? To have all of that sounds too good to be true.
If you follow what Annie Raser-Rowland suggested in her book The Art of Frugal Hedonism, however, the answer rings out as a resounding Yes!

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Saturday Aug 10, 2024

Rebecca Anderson joins Mary and Andrew to discuss her work with National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and government body under the purview of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.Steeped in Permaculture, with a degree in Environmental Science and Resource Management, and time as a Woofer, Rebecca shares what the NRCS provides and what she does in her job to support anyone interested in conserving soil, water, and other natural resources with technical and financial support.As a permaculture practitioner, I recommend listening to this conversation because assistance from NRCS is free and isn’t just for farmers and it’s easy to start the process. All you need to do is contact your local NRCS office.
Natural Resources Conservation Service
NRCS Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP): Environmental Quality Incentives Program | Natural Resources Conservation Service (
National Payment Schedules: Payment Schedules | Natural Resources Conservation Service ( navigating to individual states and choosing the EQIP link. Definitely overwhelming regarding choices for each practice, which is why working with a local planner is super key.
NRCS Service Center Locator: Service Center Locator | Natural Resources Conservation Service (
NRCS Solutions for Small-Scale Farms Fact Sheets: Solutions for Small-Scale Farms | Natural Resources Conservation Service ( National Funding Sources
AgWest Farm Credit New Producer Grant:
American Farmland Trust Brighter Future Fund:
Farm Service Agency Farm Loan Programs:
Farm Service Agency Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program:
National Young Farmer Coalition Young Farmer Program:
Natural Resources Conservation Service Conservation Innovation Grants:
RAFI FOCN Infrastructure Fund Grants:
Rodale BIPOC Famer Micro Grants:
Rural Development Rural Energy for America Program (REAP):Rural Energy for America Program Renewable Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loans & Grants | Rural Development (
Rural Development Value Added Producer Grant:
USDA Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production Grants:
USFWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife: Partners for Fish and Wildlife | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (
      Additional Washington State Funding Sources
Tilth Organic & Sustainable Farming Grant:
Western WA Food Systems Partnership Project Accelerator:
Washington State Conservation Commission (WSCC) Grant Programs: Grant Programs (
Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) Farm to School Program:
WSDA Local Infrastructure Grant: Most states will have a state department of agriculture that funds programs like this whether it’s for infrastructure, beginning farmers, etc.

Introducing Andrew Tuttle

Saturday Jul 27, 2024

Saturday Jul 27, 2024

In this episode, Andrew Tuttle sits down with Mary Marshall as she draws out his story: what brought him to Permaculture and why this work matters; what he’s up to currently, and what he sees in the months and years ahead. Throughout, we hear his stories, directly, in his own, unique voice.Find out more about Andrew and his design and educational work at, and our new community at to his initial interviews on The Permaculture Podcast, sitting with Mary Marshall as his co-host, using the links below.Creating a Permaculture Life and Livelihood with Michael JuddFunctional Hedgerows with Jude HobbsExploring Global Permaculture with Andrew MillisonInspiration Farm with Brian Kerkvliet and Alexandra King

Introducing Mary Marshall

Wednesday Jul 24, 2024

Wednesday Jul 24, 2024

In this episode, Mary Marshall sits down with Andrew Tuttle to talk about her history, what brought her to Permaculture and design, and Mary’s thoughts about the future. Along the way, they share the stories from their time together, over many years, as partners in many aspects of life traveling, living, and creating with one another.
Find out more about Mary and her design work with Andrew at, and our new community at from Mary and AndrewCreating a Permaculture Life and Livelihood with Michael JuddFunctional Hedgerows with Jude HobbsExploring Global Permaculture with Andrew MillisonInspiration Farm with Brian Kerkvliet and Alexandra King

Podcast Update: July 2024

Monday Jul 22, 2024

Monday Jul 22, 2024

Welcome to the Podcast Update for July 2024. In this episode, I’ll let you know about the future of the show as it currently stands including:- How things are going with the co-hosts Mary and Andrew of Edge Perma. - Plans for new episodes.- Welcoming you to our new, free community.- An update on my personal recovery.ResourcesThe Permaculture CollectiveInterviews from Mary and AndrewCreating a Permaculture Life and Livelihood with Michael JuddFunctional Hedgerows with Jude HobbsExploring Global Permaculture with Andrew MillisonInspiration Farm with Brian Kerkvliet and Alexandra King

Wednesday Jul 17, 2024

Donate Directly: via PayPal -or- Venmo @permaculturepodcast 
Want to listen to more conversations about Permaculture? Browse the extensive archives of the show. 
My guest today is Jerome Osentowski, founder of Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute, a long time permaculture practitioners and teacher, and author of the new book The Forest Garden Greenhouse, available from Chelsea Green Publishing.
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Wednesday Jul 10, 2024

Donate Directly: via PayPal -or- Venmo @permaculturepodcast
Want to listen to more conversations about Permaculture? Browse the extensive archives of the show. 
My guest today is Robyn Mello, the program director for Philadelphia Orchard Project, and is a deeper look at her life, work, and thoughts within and beyond that project, which she provided a brief overview to in Episode 1609: An Introduction to the Philadelphia Orchard Project. Give that episode a listen to learn more about how this non-profit installs orchards throughout the city of Philadelphia.
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Wednesday Jul 03, 2024

Donate Directly: via PayPal -or- Venmo @permaculturepodcast
Want to listen to more conversations about Permaculture? Browse the extensive archives of the show. 
This Permabyte is a reading by Byron of his article "A Lesson in Identity".
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Saturday Jun 29, 2024

In this episode Mary and Andrew sit down to interview Brian and Alexandra of Inspiration Farm to talk about their journey with their farm and permaculture, starting in 1994 when they moved to the land and named the farm, to their encountering Permaculture for the first time 12 years later. Throughout, you’ll hear how they create a thriving, viable, farm, on a little less than 9 acres, with perennials and annuals with an ever-evolving experimental blend of enterprises growing food, producing art, and teaching others. With this work, Brian and Alexandra are also deeply involved in their local and regional communities, drawing in like-minded people, supporting one another, and providing ongoing inspiration.
ResourcesInspiration FarmSalish Seed GuildWhatcom PermacultureRegenerate Cascadia


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